Voting: A comparison

You may find this a strange post people,as it's not my usual witty digressions on workies! Oh no you exclaim, what could it be Papachi, what could it be? Well this is about two different experiences at the voting booth tonight. One is mine the other is an exceptionally good friend of mine's!

When my friend, (Who shall remain nameless) went to vote, he filled in his numbers, (No X's anymore!) Folded his slip and went to put it in the box, when to his shocked and stunned surprise one of the people manning to tables opened his voting slip, read it and posted it themselves! Where he voted did not have a Chief electoral officer present, or if that's not the right term, just anyone with some sort of authority!

However my experience was wholly different! Everything was explained to me, even to the paper being turned over so no one could read it! And imagine my surprise when I was informed that a figure of authority was there too! So no one read my voting slip, and I posted my own ballot paper, without anyone being able to read it at all!

However, I think the new system is just to make it easier for the people who count the votes! The thing is that everything that happened to my friend was a blatant disregard of all electoral process and that has me livid! It's supposed to be a SECRET vote, and my friends vote was in no way SECRET, and his vote is now a spoiled vote. So he has been denied his right to vote by someone who has no right to look at his paper! And that is not on! Not on at all!

OK rant over be back soon