Are you enlightened?

You must be asking yourself "Twice in one day Papachi! What did we do to deserve this?" The answer dear friends is nothing! This post is the result of a conversation I had, which led me to do some more research on enlightenment, and an organisation whose very name suggests enlightenment, i am of course talking about the Illuminati.

Now I am a sensible man with no common sense, and this years ago led me to believe in many conspiracy theories, until I worked out how to synthesise  information, in much the same way as a historian does. This in turn led me down a path of discovery, which concluded with me realising that 99% of all conspiracy theories are hokum!

Especially in regards to the aforementioned organisation The Illuminati. Or more correctly The Bavarian Illuminati. This organisation were formed with just five members initially on the first of May 1776 by a university professor called Adam Weishaupt, in Inglostadt Upper Bavaria. Weishaupt was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Inglostadt.

The internal structure of Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati was based on the Freemasons, and drew in members from the Freemasons as well as drawing in forward thinking teachers and politicians as well as many influential members of the intelligenstia. These people took an oath of secrecy and obediance to their superiors. They were seperated into three distinct groups, in turn each group had several degrees of membership. Its membership grew to 2000 members in ten years after its formation. A council called the Aeropagus led the group.

In 1785 the ruler of Bavaria banned all secret societies, this was a serious blow to the Illuminati, as was the church condemning them as being incompatible with the Catholic Church, these incidents as well as internal wranglings were the cause of the group to be disbanded.

All these men wanted to do was reform society and advance knowledge, and they would meet to discuss this, as would other groups at the time, as it was the Age of Enlightenment/Reason. They were not a group who plotted world domination, but they were progressive and forward in their thinking. Social change would come with more people becoming enlightened, and realising that things had to change at that time, socially, politically and scientifically.

Now me, I feel as if I am progressive in my thinking, and I realise that social change is coming soon, does this make me a modern day Illuminatus? Does it make you an Illuminatus if you are progressive and forward thinking? I like to think so and I think you would too, as you would be enlightened!

Do they still exist today? Maybe, but remember they were disbanded. Are they planning world wide domination? No. The only NWO I have heard of is on wrestling shows!

I am an Illuminatus, are you?